Yesterday I got the key to my new house, something that’s been in the works for 4 or 5 years or so. If you lose count in years how much time you needed to get there once you made the decision to go there, that’s too long.
So, working with impossible deadlines I got 1,5-2 days to paint and then I start moving stuff in. Luckily the house is in good shape so I can skip a couple of rooms. And energy to spare because I’m awake at 6 and ready to go. Can’t drive there yet because I have to watch Xam but as soon as he’s heading towards school I’ll be painting. Or cracking my head on what colors to add to the living room and bedroom because this time around I have to make the choice.
Luckily I had plenty of help on the first day
But it’s also the dawn of new era for me, having my own space.